Our mission:
To give everyone the power to help alleviate Ukrainian people suffering and help Ukraine's reconstruction. 
Through game technology, keep the memory of Ukrainians fight for liberty alive, forever.

What are we doing to help Ukraine?
We are creating Azovstal The Game – War in Ukraine.
This game is being created in collaboration with several artists in different videogame fields.

How can this game help Ukraine?
Through its existence this epic game will make sure that what happened in the Azovstal steel plant, the city of Mariupol and its heroes, will not be forgotten. 
As well, is going to be a forever reminder of the real threats that some countries can pose to the free world. 
All profit sales from the game will be directed to the National Bank of Ukraine to help its people survive this war and to help the reconstruction of Ukraine.

How can you help? 
In order to make this game and all objectives a reality, we need your help.
There are different ways you can help our mission:

The Join us option.
If you feel you can help us and want to make part of our team, reach to us through our contact form under the option: Join us. Everyone is welcome!

Pre-order option:
Your game pre-order means you support our mission and we can continue investing in developing the game, being by expanding our team, obtaining better equipment, software, raise awareness, among others.

Donate option:
Your donation, directly means your are supporting us but more importantly you are helping Ukraine. In the first phase, all donations are going to be redirected to support our game development and through that, help Ukraine by sending all game sales profit to the National Bank of Ukraine once the game is concluded and on sale.

On the second phase, once the game is completed, all donations, one time and recurring ones, are sent to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Share our mission option:
By sharing, you are showing you are supporting our mission, and this is highly appreciated. Something as simple as a post, a video, an email, help us a lot!

Buying the game when its out:
All profits from the sales will forever be sent to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Playing the game!